Sunday 11 December 2011


On March 31st of 1994, a highly-charged Madonna appeared as a guest on the Late Show with David Letterman. Over the course of the now-infamous interview she said the word "fuck" a record thirteen times; called Letterman himself a "sick fuck"; asked the host to smell some underwear she was holding; refused to leave the stage when asked; and was jeered by the audience. Her behaviour resulted in numerous complaints, much discussion, and extremely high viewing figures ie it also resulted in some of the highest ratings of Letterman's late-night career.
Madonna's 1994 Handwritten Letter to David Letterman

DaveLadies and gentlemen, here she is ... Madonna!
 MUSIC [Holiday by Madonna]
 [Madonna comes out and hands Dave her panties. Dave stuffs them into a drawer when he gets back to his desk]
DaveHow are you doing?
MadonnaI'm only here cause there isn't a Knicks game. Don't get excited.
DaveOh, come on. Let's go kiss a guy in the audience. Why don't you go kiss a guy in the audience?
MadonnaWhy are you so obsessed with my sex life?
DaveAs we all know, I have none of my own.
MadonnaWell, um ...
DaveGo kiss the guy in the audience, it would knock him out. Look at that guy [pointing him out]. Just like, on the forehead, just on the forehead --
MadonnaI can't. [both are laughing] He's not tall enough.
DaveI like that, she said I can't. Lots of people would cave into the pressure and say, "Oh, allll right." They'd go out and kiss him and get it over with.
MadonnaYeah, well, I've never succumbed to peer pressure.
DaveWell, good for you. That's what we love about you, Madonna.
DaveWhat brings you --
MadonnaIncidentally, you are a sick fuck. I don't know why I get so much shit.
DaveYou realize this --
MadonnaYou're twisted.
Dave-- is being broadcast, don't you?
MadonnaYeah. [both are laughing nervously]
DaveWell you can't be talking like that.
DaveI said ... oh, never mind. What brings you to --
MadonnaWait a minute. Aren't you going to smell them? [the panties]
Dave[sighs twice]
MadonnaI gave them to you for a reason.
DaveLet's see what I'm doing at my house right now, ladies and gentlemen -- [a running gag that evening]
MadonnaNo, no, no, no, no!
DaveI'll take care of that later, it's a lovely --
MadonnaI gave him my, come on, I gave him my underpants and he won't smell. [laughing as Dave sticks them back in his desk drawer]That's not where they go!
DaveNo, that's, no, believe me, that's where the underwear go, That's where ... see, look. Here's where I keep my socks, here's where I keep my panties.
DaveThat's where they go
MadonnaNo, that's where, that's where you keep my panties.

MadonnaListen, all you do is talk about my sex life on your show, so now you don't want to talk about my sex life when I'm on your show.
DaveNow what do you mean? Do you mean because we refer to you periodically, we make jokes --
MadonnaYou can't get through a show without talking about me ... or thinking about me.
Dave[laughing] No, but do you mind that, is that a problem for you?
MadonnaIt's never a problem.
DaveYeah. All right, I'll tell you what. Let's do, let's do a commercial. Do you want to do a commercial?
DaveOkay, we'll do a commercial.
MadonnaI don't think we should ever cut to a commercial,
DaveNo, we'll --
MadonnaLet's keep talking and film every second of it

MadonnaDon't make me act a fool, Dave, all right? [both are laughing]
DaveHave a seat.
MadonnaDon't make me ... [out of nowhere] Do you want to touch my dress?
DaveI would, I would. I would like to touch your dress. [touches dress] Oh, very nice, very nice [sighs, both sit down] I tell you what. We are going to do a commercial and, uh, we are going to wash her mouth out with soap --
MadonnaAnd he's going to smell my underwear.
Dave-- and then we'll be right back. Kids, come on back!

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